About CRT Membership Levels:
NOTE: All CRT Memberships are for a (1) year period and will be scheduled to renew based on the date you join. So you can become a member any time and receive a full year of benefits. A reminder to renew will be sent to your email.
CRT Sponsor - As a sponsor of Country Roads Trail you or your business will be offered a spot on our website for your logo with a link to your business as well as having your location marked and promoted on any ride maps in your area. Your CRT Sponsor level membership also includes all the benefits of our Family Membership.
Family Membership - A Family Membership includes one Individual Membership and allows the spouse or significant other and children under 18 years old (or if a full time student, up to age 23) to ride in, attend and/or participate in all club sponsored rides or functions.
Individual Membership - A Individual Membership allows only the registered person to ride in, attend and/or participate in club sponsored rides or functions.
**If you prefer in-person signup or using cash, membership applications will always be available at all CRT Events**